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Showing posts from July, 2021

TLP S2. Ep. 13: TLP S2. Ep. 13: New Pokémon game, Stream console, game with Netflix and MORE!

Thank you for downloading our podcast! In this week's edition, we remind everyone there's a new Pokémon gaming coming, Stream unveils it's rumoured portable gaming console, Netflix plans to enter the gaming space and Mario 64 sets a new auction record! All my links: Retro Gaming Tees: Amazon Store Front: Twitter News Feed:

Nintendo Entertainment System games that pushed the 8-bit NES console to it's limits

A curated list of Nintendo Entertainment System games that pushed the 8-bit NES console to it's limits. Several interesting videos make it on to my YouTube feed, one of the topics I enjoy watching are the 'hardware pushing' series on games that really pushed gaming consoles to their full capabilities. I decided to create a list of these videos because I found it interesting enough to go back and play these games. After watching these videos, the reasons that game publishers were able to squeeze so much out of the NES' 8-bit architecture was due to the use of memory mappers such as MMC chips to the rom board in the cartridge. Well known MMC chips were the MMC3 and the MMC5 chips. After doing a quick search, I found that there were 6 MMC chips developed by Nintendo. MMC stands for Memory Management Controller. There were also third party memory management chips developed by game manufacturers as well, Konami being one of them called theirs VRC chips or Virtual Rom Control