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Showing posts from October, 2012

Install AirPort Utility 5.6 on Mountain Lion

AIRPORT UTILITY 5.6 NOT COMPATIBLE WITH MOUNTAIN LION If you’re like me, you probably own an Apple AirPort Express and MacBook Pro up to date with Mountain Lion. What’s the problem you’re asking? Well, for those with the same setup, Apple’s AirPort Utility 5.6 does not install onto Mountain Lion systems. Ridiculous? Yes!! Instead of bitching about Apple’s carelessness, I’m just going to post the solution to get you up and running and programming your Apple AirPort Express. USE AIRPORT UTILITY 5.6.1 ON MOUNTAIN LION Just in case you’d like to use AirPort Utility 5.6.1 on Mountain Lion (and probalby Lion as well), here’s how to install it: Download the disk image (you can find it here: ). Mount the disk image and drag the install package (AirPortUtility.pkg) to your desktop. Fire up Terminal and prepare to show off… Make a temporary directory and cd into it:  mkdir tmp ; cd tmp Extract the Payload file fro...