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Showing posts from April, 2013

Official Grand Theft Auto Radio Playlists on Spotify and iTunes | The Tech Loft

Grand Theft Auto Soundtracks: III, Liberty City Stories, and Vice City Stories Grand Theft Auto Soundtracks Grand Theft Auto III, the first entry in the series to incorporate both licensed music and original tracks, perfectly complements the dark and gritty underworld of Liberty City. From Salvatore Leone’s favorite operatic arias on Double Cleff FM to Toni’s nostalgic tracks on Flashback 95.6 , the game's diverse soundtrack sets the tone for the chaotic cityscape. Enjoy the iconic radio stations and discover their full playlists on popular platforms like Spotify and iTunes . Here are some of the standout stations from GTA III: Radio Station Spotify iTunes Double Cleff FM Listen on Spotify Listen on iTunes Flashback 95.6 ...

THE 6 STEP GUIDE to Setup Your Mac for Music

The Computer You want to start recording music on your Mac……. ……What do I do? How do you set it up to record and create music? Here is the SIMPLE and EASY guide in 6 Steps.   Step One – The Drives First, buy a Solid State Drive. Click here to watch a video on replacing your Macbook harddrive. It is easy, and takes very little time. This will give you huge improvements RIGHT AWAY. …..And make sure your software, and the music you record are on two separate drives. (VERY IMPORTANT)   Step Two – RAM-a-lama Bang Bang RAM. You can almost never have enough. Put the max in, and you will see the improvements you want. The Tech Loft has a great vid on upgrading RAM right here. It doesn’t take long!   If you’re loving this article, share it on Twitter by  clicking here   Step Three – The Format Once you have your new drive installed – do a clean install of OSX. This will speed up your Mac immediately. ONLY take...