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Showing posts from January, 2014

Install Netflix App On OUYA

Up until last month, one of the things that kept OUYA from replacing my jailbroken apple tv2 was the absence of Netflix. I have been out of the OUYA loop so I missed out on version 1.0 of Netflix. I believe since November 2013, Netflix for Ouya is up to version 3.0 and it works great. One thing to note, I haven’t found the option to switch between user accounts. So you login and it appears that the main account holder’s movie list is displayed. The process of getting Netflix on your OUYA is extremly simple and is excuted in a matter of minutes. The hardest part of this process is finding the link to the Netflix APK. Luckly, if you’re on your OUYA right NOW, you can simply click on the following link NETFLIX 3.0 .APK FOR OUYA , and you should be brought to my Dropbox holding the Netflix APK for you to install. For instructions to  install the Netflix app on OUYA, please watch my video below. I believe everything should be presented to you in a simple manner. DOWNLOADS REQUIRED: Install


For those suffering from the dreaded METAHANDLER SCRIPT ERROR on your XBMC device, we have found a solution for your troubles. The easiest way to resolved the METAHANDLER SCRIPT ERROR is to reset XBMC to default and reinstall your video-ons. Thanks to the Fusion Repo from XBMCHUB, this process is VERY easy and doesn’t take time to complete. You first need to add the FUSION REPO to your XBMC File Manager and then install the HUB-WIZARD ZIP file from the Fusion Repo. This process is easier than it sounds and you can watch the video below for complete details on preforming this task on your own.