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Showing posts from July, 2012

Hackintosh with Apple Keyboard, Magic Mouse & Magic Trackpad

COMPLETE YOUR HACKINTOSH No Hackintosh would be complete without pairing an Apple wireless keyboard, wireless Magic Mouse and or a Magic Trackpad. I currently have my hackintosh setup with an official Apple wireless keyboard and wireless mouse. Works great, out of the box with no issue. I have also included a video as ‘proof’ along with a shopping list of Bluetooth dongles. I found out that with the use of a bluetooth dongle, you too can enjoy the use of Apple’s wireless peripherals hardware like I do! If you watch the 5 min video I’ve posted, you’ll see my personal hackintosh setup with all 3 Apple peripherals the same time none the less! THE SHOPPING LIST If you’re running a hackintosh and are interested or even curious about purchasing Apple wireless peripherals, please check out the links below to help you get started! IOGEAR USB 2.1 Bluetooth Micro Adapter (GBU421) Dongle: Jabra A320s Bluetooth Adaptor: IOGEAR Bluetooth 4.0 USB

Hackintosh with Apple Keyboard, Magic Mouse & Magic Trackpad

COMPLETE YOUR HACKINTOSH No Hackintosh would be complete without pairing an Apple wireless keyboard, wireless Magic Mouse and or a Magic Trackpad. I currently have my hackintosh setup with an official Apple wireless keyboard and wireless mouse. Works great, out of the box with no issue. I have also included a video as ‘proof’ along with a shopping list of Bluetooth dongles. I found out that with the use of a bluetooth dongle, you too can enjoy the use of Apple’s wireless peripherals hardware like I do! If you watch the 5 min video I’ve posted, you’ll see my personal hackintosh setup with all 3 Apple peripherals the same time none the less! httpv:// THE SHOPPING LIST If you’re running a hackintosh and are interested or even curious about purchasing Apple wireless peripherals, please check out the links below to help you get started! IOGEAR USB 2.1 Bluetooth Micro Adapter (GBU421) Dongle: Jabra A320s Bluetooth Adaptor: 

Increase Battery Life of Smart Phones

An App to Increase Battery Life of Smart Phones Author: Gayatri Radhakrishnan Smartphone users always face low battery problems because they have lots of applications on their phone. Applications basically need lot of power to run because of which phone batteries decrease at a faster rate. Smartphone users thus face problem when their phone gets switched off due to low battery. To avoid such problems, a team from the University of California Berkley has come up with a program that will help Smartphone users save their phone’s battery power. Apart from phone the program will also save battery of tablets and portable music players. The app named “Caret” since its release has been downloaded by more than 36,000 Android and Apple users. This app works silently without disturbing any other application. It works by collecting data from a community of mobile devices. The application when installed on a device takes the measurement of the device i.e. how it is being used from time to time. The